Despite their timeless elegance and stylish coloration, Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds remain relatively undiscovered and typically fall into the lower end of the value range for Natural Colored Loose Diamonds. They are much rarer than yellow and brown diamonds, yet share similar values, making them a captivating option for those intrigued by the enchanting quality of the color gray.
Gray diamonds are mined in Australia at the renowned Argyle mine, as well as in India, Russia, Brazil, and South Africa.
Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds derive their coloration from the inclusion of a high concentration of hydrogen and, in some cases, like blue diamonds, the presence of boron during the diamond's formation. Notably, Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds, similar to blue diamonds, act as semiconductors of electricity, unlike the majority of Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds and Natural Colorless Diamonds, which are non-conductors.
Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds present a captivating color range within the Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds family. Often referred to as 'silver diamonds,' this term is more of a marketing spin than an official designation. The majority of grey fancies are known as Type Ilb diamonds, indicating unique markers in the diamond's composition, including the presence of few nitrogen impurities and scattered boron atoms that give the diamond its distinctive gray (and bluish) coloring.
Available in various shades such as charcoal gray, steel, slate, silver, and pigeon, Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds exhibit varying intensities. The tones of gray diamonds range from pewter and nickel to deeper hues like lead and graphite gray, creating a visually stunning spectrum.
Color intensity levels for Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds include light gray, fancy light gray, fancy gray, fancy dark gray, and fancy deep gray. Unlike other colors, vivid gray or faint gray are not recognized. The diamond's colors will appear cooler or warmer depending on the tones present; for instance, brown and yellow impart a warm tone, while blue and green modifiers give the diamond a cool and elegant appearance.
According to the GIA, common color overtones include yellowish, greenish, bluish, and violet, resulting in Fancy Dark Violet Gray, Fancy Dark Greenish Gray, Fancy Greenish Yellow Gray, and Fancy Grayish Violet. While Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds are relatively affordable, when combined with rare blue or violet hues, their prices can soar into the tens of thousands.
Natural Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds of pure color with a certain degree of color saturation are rare. More common are diamonds with yellow, green, or brown secondary colors. A blue modifier enhances the value of a Natural Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamond.
Natural Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds are rare, yet their pricing aligns with the relatively common Natural Fancy Colored Diamond colors of browns and yellows. Their pricing makes them an appealing option for those seeking an alternative to Natural Colorless Diamonds. While investing in diamonds can be considered a good investment, opting for a color that is rare and in higher demand may yield the highest returns.
Due to their rarity, very few Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds have gained fame. However, two of the world's most famous diamonds are blue diamonds with a gray modifier (gray-blue diamonds): the ‘Hope Diamond’ and the ‘Wittelsbach Diamond.’ Additionally, a less-known but related diamond in the family of Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds is the Sultan of Morocco, a 35.27-carat cushion-cut diamond once owned by Cartier, sold in 1972 for $250,000, equivalent to $1.4 million in today's values.
Gray diamonds are both versatile and fashionable, making Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds an excellent choice for the bride-to-be looking to express individuality. They add a personalized, elegant, and chic touch to an engagement ring, providing a stunning look without exceeding your budget.
Unlike yellow diamond engagement rings that catch the eye with color even at a distance, most Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds have a more subtle effect. Their weaker color saturation gives the impression of a beautiful Natural Colorless Diamond with an elegant and stylish metallic bluish twist or aura.
Moreover, choosing an engagement ring featuring Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds offers a considerable advantage, as gray diamonds often come in a round brilliant shape—a highly sought-after shape for engagement rings. While most colored diamonds are cut into radiants and cushions to showcase the color, gray diamonds can also be cut into other shapes like cushion cut, pear shape, oval, and radiant.
For those daring to be different and interested in selecting jewelry, engagement rings, wedding bands, etc., with Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds as the centerpiece, contact the experts at Rêve Diamonds Upper East Side, New York. We carry a fantastic selection of stunning Fancy Colored Loose Gray Diamonds jewelry in various shades and intensities, all GIA certified.